Keep Every Dollar Of Your Sale With Our Zero Fee EftPOS
Experience the future of payments with a next-generation EFTPOS machine. A sleek, modern EFTPOS machine that offers cutting-edge technology to meet your payment demands and an easy-to-use interface.
Zero Fee EftPOS
No terminal rental and no transaction fees
All day battery life
Keep your business moving from open to close
Easy to Use
Easy setup for both your staff and customers using a 6-inch HD touchscreen
Digital and print receipts
Let your customers decide how they get receipts

Our Zero Fee EFTPOS Includes:
Unlimited zero fee transactions
No lock-in contracts
Automatically determine the appropriate surcharge; no admin or guesswork
Customise which cards to levy a fee on and when to apply it
Portable EftPOS terminal that connects through 4G, Wi-Fi or Broadband
Settlement to your chosen business bank account the next business day

Accept these payment methods

Zero Fee EftPOS
What type of terminal will I get with this Zero Fee payment solution? Our EFTPOS terminal can connect via a free 4G SIM card (provided by Smartpay), Wi-Fi or Broadband. It can support add-on functions like Tap ‘n’ Go, tipping, mail order/telephone order (MOTO), and surcharge add-on.
Who is eligible for this Zero Fee EftPOS? Any business with an average turnover of over $10,000 per month in card transactions can apply for our Zero Fee EftPOS. If your turnover is below this in a particular month, you’ll be charged a terminal rental of $34.95 + GST, but you won’t have any transaction fees to pay.
Are there any set-up fees? We waive the $90 plus GST set-up fee on joining, and you only need to pay it if you leave before 12 months.
How do I manage the surcharge with my customers? Many of our customers find their customers accept a minimal surcharge. Surcharges are now common in many industries, such as bars, cafes, restaurants, automotive services and professional services. We provide countertop signage with each terminal to make sure that you’re clearly communicating the surcharge amounts to your customers before they pay. The terminal also clearly separates the amount on the screen when they confirm the amount to pay.
Will I be locked into a lengthy contract? No. There’s no minimum term required for Smartpay Zero Cost™ EFTPOS. If you leave before 12 months, you’ll just need to pay the set-up fee that is initially waived ($90+GST).
Will I be locked into a lengthy contract? No. There’s no minimum term required for Smartpay Zero Cost™ EFTPOS. If you leave before 12 months, you’ll just need to pay the set-up fee that is initially waived ($90+GST).
How long does it take for funds to settle? Your earnings are settled into your account the next business day. This means we settle Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday transactions the next day, and Friday, Saturday and Sunday transactions on Monday. The funds are available to you depending on your bank’s processing.
Can I choose which bank account the funds are settled into? Your earnings are settled into your account the next business day. This means we settle Monday, Tuesday,There’s no need to ditch your business bank! With Smartpay, you have the freedom to choose any Australian business bank account for your settlement.
Is terminal rental an extra charge? There is no terminal rental as long as your terminal processes $10,000 of card transactions in that month. If you don’t meet this amount in any given month, you’ll simply pay $34.95 (plus GST) for that month per terminal.
What if I have technical problems? You will have access to our dedicated technical support service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Simply call our experienced team, and they will help you. If you experience a problem with your terminal that can’t be resolved by our technical support team over the phone, we’ll courier you a replacement terminal at no additional cost.